
  1. Bedding for toddlers and babies
    Probably no parent needs to be convinced how important a baby's sleep is. Healthy, comfortable night's rest means proper development and a better mood during the day. Therefore, it is necessary to take proper care so that the child can sleep well. The kind of bed linen, in which our baby sleeps, is of great importance.   Do toddlers and infants
  2. Playpen for infants and toddlers - what it is and which one to choose
    All parents know very well that children are very playful. They want to look everywhere and are curious about everything. This innate interest in the world can sometimes be troublesome for people who look after them, for example when they dream about having a cup of coffee. A playpen for a baby can even give you a moment for yourself and your
  3. Baby and toddler walkers - what they are and whether they should be used
    For many years baby walkers were treated as equipment supporting children in learning to walk. Today specialists - physiologists and orthopedists - are unanimous: baby walkers are not the right form of developmental support, they do more harm than good. In this article we warn against the negative impact of baby walkers on the development of
  4. The rocking horse

    8 min

    The rocking horse

    What is so special about a rocking horse that it made our grandmothers and mothers happy, and now it entertains the youngest generation? It's all about rocking, which has an extremely important role in child development, and in addition brings a smile to the face of the little one.   The role of rocking in child development   Do you want your
  5. Puzzle for kids

    10 min

    Puzzle for kids

    Who did not do a puzzle in childhood? This is a game that has not lost its popularity over the years. And no wonder, because it affects the development of toddlers in a unique way, and in addition is a source of satisfaction and joy. But how to choose a set in order to interest a toddler and to adjust the level of difficulty to their age? You can
  6. Furniture for a baby girl’s room
    When decorating the room for the incoming baby girl, are we doomed to the ubiquitous pink, flowers and hearts? No! Current trends do not even consider the division into girls' and boys' furniture. The difference in arrangement lies in the details - curtains, wallpaper, pillows, wall colors. It is the accessories that give the right character to the
  7. Arranging a nursery - how to design it
    Before you set about decorating the children's room, it is worth knowing a few rules, which will allow you to create a friendly, safe place which supports development. So that your child feels good in it, and so do you - after all, you will also spend a lot of time there. The room is not going to serve its purpose if we neglect the aesthetic aspect
  8. Crib mobile

    8 min

    Crib mobile

    A baby's first toy is mom and dad's face. The second may be a set of toys floating above their heads. The different shapes and forms are usually accompanied by light and sound. A mobile is both a source of entertainment in the crib and an important stimulator of motor, visual and auditory development.   Crib mobile - what it is and what role it
  9. Interactive toys for kids

    6 min

    Interactive toys for kids

    When searching for a new toy for your child, the same problem often arises - what exactly to buy? Toys that will make your baby smile and at the same time will support their development are always a good option. Toys which by playing, moving or talking, stimulate the senses of the child and support their development are interactive.   An