
  1. 10 good habits to adopt for a successful food diversification
    With Myriam Alexis aka Madame Miam, pediatric dietitian nutritionist     Food is one of the major concerns of young parents, and for a good reason: the child's future relationship with food depends on the proper handling of meals from the beginning of the diversification. Myriam Alexis, pediatric dietitian nutritionist at Madame Miam,
  2. A nutritionist’s advice for good ergonomics around the table!
    With Myriam Alexis aka Madame Miam, pediatric dietitian nutritionist   These days, young parents are confronted with information overload on all areas of parenthood, and it's easy to feel lost! But eating is not just a question of nutrition, therefore Myriam Alexis, the paediatric dietician-nutritionist, shares her recommendations for good
  3. Nutrition during pregnancy and breastfeeding
    During the nine months of pregnancy, the most important thing for the future mum is looking after her well-being. A healthy diet is the first step to looking after yourself and the life developing inside of you!   I'd like to begin with the weight gain issue – this is a topic that bothers future mums, especially at the beginning of the amazing
  4. How can you design your child's room? Inspirations from Kinderkraft!
    Many parents aren't sure how to design their child's room to make it safe and functional, while allowing your youngster to feel comfortable. For several years, interior design trends have been minimalistic but still kept children's references. Thanks to this, parents and children can enjoy beautiful interiors in toned colours. How can you design
  5. Shopping with a child - how to prepare for it?
    When your baby is born, your whole world turns upside down. That's not a bad thing - but especially in the early days, simple tasks like taking a shower or calmly reading product labels can be harder than climbing a mountain. One of such examples is shopping - as the child gets older it is easy to feel the rhythm of their day and take a shower or
  6. Carrycot and stroller – when should you convert your pushchair?
    It's happened – you've managed to choose the perfect pushchair. But after a few months, parents start to wonder when to convert the pushchair into a stroller. Is my child still comfortable in the carrycot? And what if they grow out of the classic pushchair but are still unable to sit up unaided? Don't worry – we'll explain what to look for when
  7. How to improve your child's immunity
    Autumn is just around the corner, and so are cooler days. Children love autumn, but let's be honest – it's much easier to get a cold during this period. Temperature fluctuations and cool winds are conducive to infections. What can you do to prevent your little one from getting sick very often? How can you improve their immunity? Always consult
  8. Which pushchair should you choose? Autumn and winter
    Autumn and winter is a time with lots of grey, rainy days. Not many people like to go on walks on cool evenings. But you should! Regular walks are beneficial for both the child's and parent's immunity. In addition, on autumn walks, your youngster has the opportunity for some great play: you and your little one can look for chestnuts, leaves or
  9. The FREEDOM collection by Kinderkraft
    The proprietary FREEDOM collection is inspired by summer flights by kingfishers and the latest colour trends. It has been created from scratch by our designers who have a real passion for what they do. FREEDOM products will let you give your child the absolute best both at home and when out and about. The collection immediately brings to mind peace