Which pushchair should you choose? Autumn and winter

Which pushchair should you choose? Autumn and winter

Autumn and winter is a time with lots of grey, rainy days. Not many people like to go on walks on cool evenings. But you should! Regular walks are beneficial for both the child's and parent's immunity. In addition, on autumn walks, your youngster has the opportunity for some great play: you and your little one can look for chestnuts, leaves or acorns together, and then use them to create artwork. But what about if your child isn't yet walking, or gets tired quickly on walks, and your pushchair isn't suited for rainy weather?

If you're planning to replace your stroller or your child will be born in autumn/winter, it's great straight away choose a pushchair that can be used in all seasons. So which pushchair should you choose for autumn and winter? Here are a few tips on what to look for when making your purchase.

Which pushchair should you choose for autumn

Seven reasons why you should go on autumn walks

  • ● On walks, your body gets better oxygenated – this helps it function better, and regular walkers have more energy.
  • ● On sunny autumn days, your body will produce more vitamin D, which is essential for its proper functioning.
  • ● Fresh air has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system of both the parent and the child.
  • ● Cooler air and regular activity toughen the body and help improve immunity. Just remember to dress yourself and your child appropriately for the weather.
  • ● Autumn walks with your child will strengthen your bond and allow you have a great time together.
  • ● Regular walks allow your child to be in touch with nature.
  • Walks also get your youngster used to physical activity – regular exercise is recommended for everyone, young and old alike.

Which pushchair should you choose for autumn and winter? What's important?

Which pushchair you choose largely depends on the parents' needs and how well it suits the child. There are different pushchairs for newborns (3-in-1 and 2-in-1 pushchair with a carrycot and seat for walks are best) and for toddlers who run around and rarely want to rest when on walks. However, if you're choosing a pram for the autumn and winter period, pay attention to:

  • ● wheels,
  • ● hood material,
  • ● shock absorption,
  • ● rain/winter accessories.
Which pushchair should you choose for autumn and winter?

Pushchair wheels – which are best for autumn and winter?

If you're choosing a city pushchair, you can buy a stroller or 3-in-1 product with wheels made of puncture-resistant foam. They'll be great for walks on paved roads, even straight after the rain. However, if you live in an area with parks or forests, or where there's mud after the rain, choose a pushchair with air-filled, rubber wheels. The ALL ROAD stroller has premium wheels that are suited for all conditions. They're much larger and more durable – perfect for all terrains.

For difficult terrain (outside of the city, in forests, parks, rural areas)

Rubber, air-filled wheels, preferably with shock absorbers. It's worth choosing a pushchair with premium wheels.

For city walks

Swivel, easy-to-manoeuvre wheels made of puncture-resistant foam with increased resistance to abrasion. See if the front wheels lock to drive straight.

Pushchair with a waterproof hood

A pushchair with an extendable hood will be great in both autumn and summer. The hood protects your child from the rain, wind and sun. However, not all pushchairs are made of waterproof materials. If you want your pushchair to be suitable for all seasons, make sure that it says 'waterproof' on the materials. Not all hoods extend – see if the model you chose has a zipper that will allow you to further extend the hood, such as the EVOLUTION COCOON 2-in-1 pushchair.

Which pushchair wheels are best?

Shock absorption on all four wheels or in the frame

Shock absorption is a must-have, and not only in autumn. For example, the CRUISER LX stroller is ideal for walks outside of the city, irrespective of the time of year, thanks to shock absorption on four wheels. It's also great for the city, as the wheels can deal with paved roads and uneven terrain. It's worth considering a pushchair with two-step shock absorption on the wheels (for example, the VEO pushchair) or on the frame. The PRIME pushchair features such shock absorption.

Shock absorption, particularly on the wheels, will let you overcome mud and other obstacles often found in autumn and winter, such as puddles or leaves on the footpath.

pushchair with shock absorbers or without?

Practical accessories for rainy weather

Contrary to appearances, not all pushchairs come with a rain cover and leg warmer. If you're choosing one for autumn or winter, make sure it comes with a rain cover. Also check to see that the leg warmer is warm enough.

[ALT: Kinderkraft MOLLY pushchair backpack]

On cooler days it's good to have a pushchair that comes with accessories that will make walks in cooler temperatures more pleasant. Great options include the MOLLY pushchair backpack with an insulated pocket (for your tea or your child's warm milk), or the MOMMY BAG covered with waterproof material. It's also worth considering a pushchair with a cup holder so that you can always have your coffee or tea with you.

which pushchair accessories are most important?


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