

Although its name brings to mind walks with your child, this pushchair is handy in many other situations, such as shopping, travelling, or running errands with your baby by your side. A stroller is a handy, easy-to-manoeuvre parent helper to face every challenge. What should it have, and how can you choose the best one? A good stroller balances the needs of a curious child and the expectations of busy parents. It's convenient thanks to its adjustable seat with a safety harness, wheels with shock absorbers, simple folding system, light weight and easy steering. When choosing a stroller, it's good to take note of the basic features of the given model and decide whether you pick an all-terrain pushchair, city stroller, or one that's lightweight and won't take up much room when folded.

temporarily unavailable
Stroller TRIG 3 beige
  • A pushchair up to 25 kg

  • CLICK & FOLD – folding with one hand

  • Large, waterproof hood with ventilation

temporarily unavailable
Kinderkraft Select gray logo
Pushchair 2in1 YOXI beige
  • 2-in-1 pushchair with car seat adapters

  • Easy to steer - full shock absorption

  • With accessories

temporarily unavailable
Stroller MITZY beige
  • Up to 27 kg*

  • Large, puncture-resistant, shock-absorbing wheels

  • Practical accessories included in the set


Stroller: more than just a pushchair for walks

It accompanies parents so often that it's impossible to define its role in caring for your little one! For children, a stroller makes it easier for them to discover the world: it's a comfortable place to nap if the trip turns out to be long, and provides support for tired legs. For parents, it's like an extra pair of hands: it'll transport shopping bags in the basket, make manoeuvring in crowds easier, and overcome both high kerbs and uneven terrain in the forest.