Electric or manual breast pump? What they are and how to choose one

Electric or manual breast pump? What they are and how to choose one

There is no better food for toddlers than natural breast milk. Breastfeeding brings you closer and builds a bond. It is a beautiful expression of love. But at the same time it is a challenge, especially at night - and as it happens with challenges, it is good to have a helper which will support us in a crisis situation. This is a breast pump - it helps in difficult situations, relieves stress, gives moments of respite, and also allows you to include dad in this wonderful process. With a breast pump feeding and caring for your baby is simply easier.

Breast pump - help with night feeding

The first months of your baby's life are a wonderful period in which you bond with your little one and observe his or her dynamic development. But there is no denying that it is also an extremely intensive period when every moment of rest is worth its weight in gold. Night feedings can be particularly demanding, when the baby wakes up even every 2 hours, demanding food. Mothers are most likely to be tired in this situation. Feeding on demand is challenging, and in addition, women may still be feeling the effects of childbirth. Intensive lactation may cause discomfort - painful breast fullness, sore breasts and nipples are the less pleasant side of feeding. Nights without uninterrupted sleep and with pain can be really hard! Fortunately, there is a rescue - a breast pump brings a chance for at least a little rest. Combined with a co-sleeper cot for your baby, you will get more sleep without having to get up from bed. Just take a moment to feed your little one, and then you can both get back to sleep.

A breast pump is used to express milk from the breast by using negative pressure to suck out the milk. On the market you will find both manual breast pumps and electric breast pumps. The former will work well for women who plan to use them occasionally - they are quiet, do not require power, but you need to use more force. The latter are simpler and more effective, but more expensive.

Whichever breast pump you decide on, each one will help you feel a little relieved. If you express milk in the evening, you can leave the night-time care to Dad, who will feel just as needed as Mum and will develop a closer relationship with his baby. And you will be able to sleep a little longer.

In the apartment, mum with a smile bends over a little baby, who is playing while lying in a Kinderkraft cot.

Even more comfort: suction power adjustment and travel crib

A breast pump also means greater comfort for a woman, especially when she feels the strain of breastfeeding - her breasts are swollen and her nipples sometimes sore. A well used breast pump should not cause pain, especially models with adjustable suction power. This feature is found only in electric breast pumps. With manual breast pumps you can only adjust the suction power manually. However, this is not easy, especially for those who are not yet familiar with this. When you have pumped, you can feed your baby from a bottle at night to give your breasts a rest.

Additional comfort will provide a co-sleeper cot, which will make you have your baby literally at your fingertips. You won't even have to get up to feed it. Many parents decide to sleep with their babies in one bed, but it can be awkward and not very safe, especially at the beginning. Parents may be afraid of sleeping with such a delicate baby. Besides, even such a baby can take up a lot of space and wake up mom and dad with uncontrolled kicks. That's why co-sleeper cots are so much appreciated. We have many models of travel cots, such as NESTE UP and UNO UP, to help you through those first, difficult nights.

Who needs a breast pump?

Night feedings or trying to involve the father in the process of feeding the newborn are not the only times when it is worth using a breast pump. It has many advantages, so it's no wonder it quickly became so popular.

It may come in handy right after birth if you are forced to part with your little one for a while: for example, if your newborn has to stay in hospital for a while longer. Also, certain illnesses of the baby (heart defects, neurological diseases, cleft palate) simply make breastfeeding impossible or very difficult. If, in this case, you do not want to give up natural breast milk, a breast pump is a must.

A breast pump also helps to stimulate lactation - even in the first hours after birth - and to cope with a lactation crisis which may occur during breastfeeding. Also, if you have had a caesarean section, you may have a problem with lactation - it is good to stimulate it in this way. On the other hand, a breast pump is also useful when you have what is known as breast fullness, when your breasts are painful and full of milk. To relieve yourself, pump a little before feeding. However, make sure that you do not pump too much - this can be counterproductive and may stimulate lactation.

An electric breast pump also helps with the problem of injured nipples. It may happen that through poor feeding technique, shallow grasping or excessive sucking of the baby, the nipples are injured. If the pain is worse during feeding, use a breast pump and feed your baby using accessories that do not interfere with the sucking reflex.

You may not be able to feed your baby when he or she is hungry. For various reasons - you are taking medication or you are simply not at home because you are exercising your right to rest. Then you can express your milk at a convenient time and freeze it. Just remember to keep to a suitable pumping rhythm so as not to disturb lactation.

A breast pump can make you just relax and feel a little bit of freedom. With a breast pump, you can always have food for your little one on hand and not have to worry about feeding. You simply pour the pumped milk into a bottle and you can go anywhere with your little one or send your baby there with his or her daddy.

The process of pumping the breast milk is not troublesome either - when you are alone, you can put the baby down in a bouncer (in our offer you will find a number of very functional bouncers and bouncer-rockers: LUMI, LULI, NOLA, FELIO, FLO, UNIMO UP, MINKY) and then put the breast pump to the breast. It is best to use the one which best suits your needs. If you are going to use it only at home and occasionally - it is better not to invest in more expensive electric equipment. On the other hand, if you plan to go out with your baby often, and thus use the breast pump regularly, then you should definitely decide on the electric option and one which can be powered from the mains, batteries and a car charger.

In the bedroom, lying in bed, mum looks up with a smile and holds a little baby by the leg, sleeping in a Kinderkraft cot standing next to the bed.

What to look for when choosing a breast pump

Breast pumps vary. You will find models with different speeds, with adjustable suction power, and with a package of important accessories, such as a massage pad, which further stimulates lactation. Above all, when looking for the right model, consider where and when you will be using it. This will make your purchase decision much easier.

Speed of the breast pump

A very useful feature is the two-phase suction. Thanks to this option, the breast pump works much more effectively. The first phase is stimulation, during which the suction is more dynamic. Thanks to this, milk is produced faster. The second phase imitates the deep, much slower suckling of the breast by the baby.

Massaging pad

Massage attachments are also more effective due to the additional stimulation of the nipple. Make sure you choose a breast pad of the right size. How do you know? Place the attachment on the nipple and see if the nipple touches or rubs against the sides of the funnel. If so, choose a larger breast pump attachment.


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